Monday 28 September 2015

5 Tips to Handle Dental Emergencies at Home

In a perfect world, dental accidents would only happen Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Unfortunately, there is a strong likelihood that you will find yourself facing a dental emergency at odd hours, while on vacation, or even during a holiday. While we cannot stop accidents from happening, there are tips and tricks you can use to minimize damage until you can see your dentist.

Five dental emergencies and how you should address them 

1. What do I do if my tooth gets knocked out?

For adult teeth, be sure to keep the tooth moist at all times. You can keep the tooth moist by positioning it in between your cheek and gums, or by storing it in a glass of milk. There are also tooth preservation products on the market that can be used. Most importantly- get to your dentist as soon as possible. Delaying seeking dental care can reduce the likelihood of being able to save your tooth.

2. My teeth are fine, but my child knocked a baby tooth out! What should I do?

Children have a real knack for getting into mischief after hours. If your child knocks out a baby tooth, you should keep it moist and get it to a dentist immediately. Depending on how much of the tooth came out, your dentist can determine whether or not it can be safely replaced.

3. Ow! I have a serious toothache. What can I do?

To alleviate some of the pain caused by a toothache, try gently rinsing your mouth out with warm water. Once you’ve cleaned your mouth, you can try removing any foreign items with dental floss. If the pain persists, try taking an over-the-counter pain medication, and call your dentist for an appointment.

4. I broke my tooth, Help!

If your tooth breaks, it is important to immediately rinse your mouth with warm water to clean the area. Call your dentist to make an appointment. Your local drug store will sell a dental putty that you can place over the tooth to help relieve some of the sensitive and keep the area clean while waiting to see your dentist. Use a cold compress and pain reliever to help make your wait more comfortable.

5. I’m on vacation and my filling came out!

You can’t guarantee that a tooth problem will only occur during business hours or why you are local. If you are away from home and are suffering from a tooth emergency, contact your dentist to let them know your problem as they may offer some insightful tips. Most importantly, don’t ruin your time away with tooth discomfort. Contact a local dentist who offers emergency hours to non-patients. Schedule an appointment to follow-up with your dentist when you return home.

Remember: these tips are just suggestions for when you find yourself in a tight spot. Regardless of what your dental emergency is, seeing your dentist as soon as possible can help save your tooth without risking compromising your oral health. If the emergency is serious, and your dentist’s office is closed, you can visit an emergency room.

Please be sure to call Scottsdale dentist, Dr. Marcia Blazer, at 480-596-8273 to make an appointment immediately after any of these events so she can continue what you started.

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